b'Nanoscale genomics for multiple workflows.INTUITIVE The ability to produce answers quickly, efficiently and reliably The meticulously designedcan position a laboratory as a center of excellence by raising user interface facilitatesthe quality of both basic and clinical research. By enabling easy setup and assay runscomprehensive and versatile genomic analysis, the X9 System with little to no training. with microfluidics technology empowers the generation of timelyand actionable answers that can transform genomics studies.ONE SYSTEM FOR ALLGain the value of multipleVERSATILE Proven microfluidics technology.methods in a single system,The technology is compatible with the most common chemistries combining capabilitieson the market and supports development and creation of custom for gene expression,Integrated fluidic circuits (IFCs) form the backbone of the X9 System, supporting different configurations of genotyping, SNP detection,assays, providing a wide range of testing and investigation optionssamples and assays for multiple applications. Each IFC is precision-manufactured to exacting standards NGS LP, CNV analysisand the ability to scale the number of targets based on need. of performance and reliability. Standard BioTools IFCs empower genomics research by automating and more. Products include: Advanta Sample ID Genotyping Panel molecular biology in nanoliter volumes. These reduced reaction volumes mean using less of your preciousAdvanta Pharmacogenomics Assay samples and assay reagents to lower cost and achieve high-quality consistent results. Advanta Solid Tumor NGS Library Prep AssayServices include:D3 design services for custom assays IFCs SUPPORTED ON THE X9 SYSTEMGENE GENOTYPING COPY NUMBEREXPRESSION VARIATION48.48 IFC 96.96 IFC192.24 and 24.192 IFCs Generate up to 46,080 datapointsGenotyping Genotyping* Genotypingper 8-hour shift and up to 384Gene expression Gene expression Gene expressionLibrary preparation 1 IFC enables up to 9,216Library preparationbarcoded libraries per day to achievereactions using up to 961 IFC enables up to 4,608 PCR SAMPLE 1 IFC enables up to 2,304 PCR deep insights while conservingreactions or 4,800 ampliconssamples and 96 assays. reactions or 2,400 amplicons IDENTIFICATIONprecious samples and reagents. (LP) per sample for up to* Indicates preamplification is enabled (LP) per sample for up to48 samples. on specific configurations of the IFC. 192 samples. Library preparation is only supported on this IFC format.8 9'