Application note: Maxpar Direct Immune Profiling Assay Expanded to Explore Antigen-Specific Immune Responses 

Building a 47-marker flow cytometry panel to explore antigen-specific immune responses.

T cells are involved at some level in almost every immune-mediated disease. Characterizing this complex immune cell compartment requires a high-parameter approach. In addition, assessing antigen-specific responses can provide vital information whether studying infectious disease, cancer, autoimmunity or allergy.

This application note outlines a method for performing such analyses using the dry-format Maxpar® Direct™ Immune Profiling Assay™ as a backbone to which a ready-to-use liquid Maxpar panel measuring activation status and cytokine production can be easily added. Open channels are then used to enable live-cell barcoding of samples, quickly creating a 47-marker cytometric experiment.


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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Patent and License Information: Trademarks: Any other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners. ©2024 Standard BioTools Inc. All rights reserved.