PCR Applications
Accurate and reproducible quantitation
PCR has expanded to cover a variety of applications in basic research and diagnostics, including digital PCR, gene expression, genotyping and pathogen detection.
Integrating microfluidics and laser capture microdissection technologies into a PCR workflow is an innovative solution that provides reaction densities far beyond what is possible with microtiter plates and significantly reduces the number of liquid-handling steps and volume per reaction.
Gene Expression with Microfluidics
Data reproducibility is key to differential gene expression studies. The scalable X9™ System supports tens to hundreds of samples at nanoliter volumes.
Genotyping with Microfluidics
Enhance your productivity with reagents designed to maximize the power of Juno and the X9 Real-Time PCR System and reduce costs.
Pathogen Detection with Microfluidics
SARS-CoV-2, like all RNA viruses, evolves and mutates. Since the virus can evolve, the assays designed to detect it must evolve as well.
Application note on pharmacogenomics illustrates method to determine single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and copy number variation (CNV) in a single workflow with Biomark HD.
To automate or not to automate?
Are you asking the right question? Considerations for when to automate, from common drivers to what you really should be thinking about.
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