Gene Expression
Advance your translational and clinical research with TaqMan or Delta Gene assays
Data reproducibility is key to differential gene expression studies. The scalable Biomark™ platform supports tens to hundreds of samples at nanoliter volumes. Combining microfluidics technology with optimized reagents produces high-quality results in less time. Ideal for labs performing hundreds to thousands of samples, the Biomark X9 system provides significant cost and time advantages over plate-based technologies. And with a wide range of integrated fluidic circuit (IFC) formats available, scaling from mid- to high-throughput on a single system is easily achievable.

Delta Gene
Pair Delta Gene™ assays and reagents with EvaGreen dye for an economical alternative to probe-based detection. EvaGreen binds to double-stranded DNA, resulting in fluorescein-like fluorescence excitation and emission spectra. EvaGreen also minimizes PCR inhibition compared with SYBR Green and other nucleic acid stains.
Probe-based assays use primers to detect sequence-specific single-cell cDNA probes. The method enhances qPCR through dual-labeled hydrolysis probes and PCR primers. Specific target detection requires binding three independent oligonucleotides, which reduces fluorescence from nonspecific sources. Our chemistries work seamlessly with your existing TaqMan assay library to support both standard and fast protocols.
Customer Stories
Learn more about how our customers are leveraging Standard BioTools™ technology.
Dr. Dexi Chen, PhD, MD

Achieving multi-omic insights with microfluidics and CyTOF technology
Scott Magness, PhD

Investigating transcriptomic changes at the microscale level
Jo Vandesompele, PhD

Jo Vandesompele at Ghent University discusses a deep dive into single-cell sequencing
Christophe Lancrin, PhD

Christophe Lancrin on revealing new transcription factors using C1 and Biomark
Ansuman Satpathy, MD, PhD

Stanford’s Ansu Satpathy designed single-cell T-ATAC-seq, now available at Script Hub
Shyam Prabhakar, PhD

Shyam Prabhakar explores signatures of patient survival and EMT in colorectal tumors
Simone Mayer, PhD

Simone Mayer, PhD, explains how using multimodal analysis helped reveal new insights
Kelly Nudelman, PhD

Kelly Nudelman and Tae-Hwi Schwantes-An discuss sample identification
Shyam Prabhakar, PhD

Analysis of Single-Cell Transcriptomes in Colorectal Cancer by Shyam Prabhakar
Leisha McGrath, PhD student

A microfluidics-based gene expression assay to monitor fish health
Nicole Bakkegård Goecke, PhD

Nicole Bakkegård Goecke, PhD, discusses detecting and preventing disease in animals
Jonathan M. Irish, PhD

Combinatorial, single-cell approaches to explore the complexity of biologic systems
Dr. Luc Teyton, MD, PhD

How one lab explores the immune system one T cell at a time
Scientist Michael Stubbington, PhD

A new single-cell sequencing tool brings fresh insight to functional T cell studies

To singleplex or multiplex? What’s the difference?
These two detection methods involve different assay design and setup, and each one has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Patent and License Information: Trademarks: Any other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners. ©2025 Standard BioTools Inc. All rights reserved.