IMC Supplementary Data

IMC Supplementary Data
Supplementary data from R&D or applications teams supporting application notes, posters or other assets.
Data Image S1.
Figure S1. Application of Mouse Tissue Architecture Panel in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), colon adenocarcinoma, B cell lymphoma, and glioblastoma. Full tumor cores are demonstrated highlighting tumor cells (pan-CK, CD44), immune cells (CD45), vascular cells (CD31), extracellular matrix components (fibronectin, collagen 1), and stromal cells (αSMA). IMC Cell Segmentation Kit markers demarcate the cellular boundaries of all cells within the tumor microenvironment. B220 marker is used to demarcate tumor cells in B cell lymphoma.
Data Image S2.
Figure S2. Extended t-SNE and heat map analysis of NSCLC tumor tissue microenvironment. Eighteen cellular clusters were identified by PhenoGraph analysis based on marker expression (A). Heat map of individual marker expression in each cluster are presented (B). Heat maps of individual marker expression are superimposed on the t-SNE graph highlighting specific cell populations (C). B220 marker was excluded from single-cell analysis due to absence of B cells in NSCLC.
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