Learn about key high-plex imaging topics.
To support the sharing and expansion of methods of discovery with high-plex Imaging Mass Cytometry™ (IMC™), we invite you to join us at regular IMC Forum events to listen, learn, ask questions and interact with the IMC community..
Suggest a topic! We want to hear from you.
We’re selecting topics for 2023. Let us know what you’d like to hear about in an upcoming forum. Do you have news to share? A question to ask? Just send us an email so we can investigate or brainstorm the possibilities.
Watch the second IMC Forum session in the data analysis series!
Tools and Trailblazers: Data Analysis Strategies and User-Developed Software Approaches
» Thursday, December 8
Get the most out of high-plex imaging.
Each IMC Forum includes a combination of speaker presentations, educational content, interviews, panel discussions and more. We’ll broach some challenges and highlight experiences and considerations to get the most out of high-plex imaging.
Upcoming event
Join us for an exciting three-part series
Join us for a three-part series as we explore data analysis considerations for Imaging Mass Cytometry. Learn from leading experts about how to approach the analysis of tissue images, what essential steps to include, comprehensive data analysis strategies and how to develop software tools.
Session I: Stepping Through the Pipeline: Recommendations and Considerations for In-Depth Analysis
» October 27, 2022
Session II: Tools and Trailblazers: Data Analysis Strategies and User-Developed Software Approaches
» December 8, 2022
Session III: Expanding Options for Data Analysis: Advancements in Strategies and Tool Development
» February, 2023
» Registration will open soon!
» Speakers:
- Juliet Emamaullee, MD, PhD, Department of Surgery, Keck Medicine of USC/Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
» Agenda:
- Experience a new, streamlined sample-to-analysis workflow solution for high-plex data.
- Hear about the latest updates from the developer of histoCAT™.
- Learn from three experts about high-plex analytical tools they developed.
- Hear the experts talk about software tools and analytical approaches to get a deeper understanding of options for high-plex data analysis.
Session II Agenda (All times shown in PT)
Forum introduction
Clinton Hupple, MSc |
Introducing Phenoplex™: A Complete Workflow Solution for Highplex Image Analysis
James Mansfield |
Introduction to MCMICRO and histoCAT for Highly Multiplexed Image Analysis
Denis Schapiro, PhD |
Overview of ImaCYTE for Visual Exploration of Cellular Microenvironments
Antonios Somarakis, PhD |
Spectre, an R Package to Enable Comprehensive End-to-End Integration and Analysis of HD Cytometry Data from Different Batches or Experiments
Tom Ashhurst, PhD |
Introduction to Cytomapper and its Unique Rendering and Overlay Elements
Nicolas Damond, PhD |
Panel discussion with tool developers
Moderator: Clinton Hupple |
Survey and close
Get familiar with performing data visualization, data preparation, single-cell segmentation and single-cell analysis.
Learn about commonly used open source and commercial software algorithms and analytical tools and how our experienced FAS team can help you decide on an approach to meet your research goals.
Hear how analysis from a multi-omics approach including RNA sequencing and Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC) data was integrated to achieve key hepatocellular carcinoma insights.
Speakers: |
Wendell Smith, PhD |
Won Jin Ho, MD |
Exploration of the tumor microenvironment (TME) is key to understanding the spatial relationships between cells and cell function in cancer pathology.
This IMC Forum started with a conversation about the impact of adding Imaging Mass Cytometry to the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University, which was followed by two presentations on research projects in hepatocellular carcinoma and colon cancer.
In the panel discussion, three expert researchers shared their experiences and insights, then took questions so attendees could learn more about the potential advantages of IMC powered by CyTOF® technology for their research.
Related resources:
→ Immuno-oncology e-book: See two articles selected from the Drug Target Review highlighting findings that researchers believe could be used to enhance immunotherapies. This is supplemented with a short Expert View article by Standard BioTools Chief Science Officer Andrew Quong, PhD.
→ IMC Trending Topics in Immuno-oncology article: Read about the latest research and past publications using IMC to explore the tumor-immune landscape, biomarker discovery and methods associated with therapeutics development.
IMC Forum Agenda (All times shown in PT)
Welcome and Introduction
Clinton Hupple, MSc
One-on-One Conversation on the Impact of Imaging Mass Cytometry Capabilities at a Cancer Center
Stephen Byers, PhD
Andrew Quong, PhD
Understanding the Immune Microenvironment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Imaging Mass Cytometry
Won Jin Ho, MD
Deciphering the Complexity of Anti-Cancer Immune Responses With Imaging Mass Cytometry
Marieke Ijsselsteijn, PhD Candidate
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Michelle Macpherson, MSc
Session Close
Clinton Hupple, MSc
After an introduction by Standard BioTools Chief Science Officer Andrew Quong, the event will include a presentation by Amy Bradshaw, PhD, Professor in the Division of Cardiology at the Medical University of South Carolina, and two panel discussions moderated by Hartland Jackson, PhD, Investigator at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute.
The first panel discussion will feature hands-on experts addressing the current use of pipelines and offering up their tips, and the second will bring together three key thought leaders and expert algorithm developers to share their thoughts on the future of cell segmentation.
Related resources:
→ Watch presentations and discussions from the October 2021 IMC Summit: Uncovering Spatial Biology on demand.
→ ImaBiotech, a CRO that offers IMC services, shares its years of experience with cell segmentation in this webinar.
Agenda (All times shown in PT)
Introduction and presentation
Andrew Quong, PhD
Presentation (20 min) and Q&A (5 min)
Amy Bradshaw, PhD
Panel discussions:
Moderated by Hartland Jackson, PhD
Amy Bradshaw, PhD
Nils Eling, PhD, MSCA
Anthony Colombo, PhD
Fabian Schneider, PhD
Panel discussions:
Moderated by Hartland Jackson, PhD
Beth Cimini, PhD
David Van Valen, PhD
Carsen Stringer, PhD
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