No multiplexing with better flexibility and scalability of assays … Wait, what?
We had a busy – and successful – 2022 AAVLD-USAHA Annual Meeting, with myriad opportunities to tell attendees about how our microfluidics technologies help researchers achieve consistent results.

We were delighted to be at the 2022 AAVLD-USAHA Annual Meeting in Minneapolis from October 6–12 where we shared and discussed advancements in veterinary diagnostic science and helped bolster the education of the next generation of laboratory diagnosticians.
Our booth saw plenty of activity! We had many opportunities to tell attendees about how our microfluidics technologies help researchers achieve consistent results, reducing cost and hands-on time and allowing adjustments of panel design without interrupting workflow. You asked how … Our chips can run up to 9,216 reactions in a single run. Because these are individual reactions, assays can be modified and changed as you need, making the addition of more targets or more samples a simple task.
We also got to share our newest instrument, the X9™ Real-Time PCR System, an innovative high-capacity genomics system that offers a more efficient and easy-to-use workflow for the highest-quality genomic data generation.

Thank you to those who attended our workshop, High-Throughput Screening and Detection of up to 192 Pathogens in a Single Run for Animal Health Using qPCR Nanofluidic Technology With Singleplex Accuracy.
On Saturday, October 8, Standard BioTools™ Senior Director of Assay Development Naveen Ramalingam gave a presentation on how our microfluidics technologies provide solutions in your animal health research by allowing you to detect multiple pathogens in one test with easy-to-configure complex panels and fewer assay design iterations.
Imagine using one chip instead of 100 plates! Our microfluidics technology saves you from pipetting into so many plates, and the nanoliter volumes used in these reactions also saves reagent and sample. See the comparison in Naveen’s presentation above.
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Unless explicitly and expressly stated otherwise, all products are provided for Research Use Only, not for use in diagnostic procedures. Find more information here.